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start [2024/10/04 20:40] liostart [2025/02/03 16:52] (current) – [Sodelovanja] g1smo
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 Ukvarjamo se tudi z: Ukvarjamo se tudi z:
- +  * [[]] - proti militarizmu
-  * [[|Rog wiki]] - nastajajoči arhiv Tovarne Rog+
   * [[|Zapatistično srečanje]] - spletna stran o obisku zapatistične delegacije v Evropi   * [[|Zapatistično srečanje]] - spletna stran o obisku zapatistične delegacije v Evropi
-  * [[|Ljubljna odprto mesto wiki]] - Wiki arhiv iniciative Ljubljana odprto mesto +  * [[|PRELOM]] - neodvisne ljubljanske novice
-  * [[|PRELOM]] - neodvisne ljubljanske novice **†** prelamlja tudi dogovore+
   * [[|Cirkovizija]] - cirkuški festival   * [[|Cirkovizija]] - cirkuški festival
   * [[]] - uporabniška skupina emacs na geografskem področju Slovenije   * [[]] - uporabniška skupina emacs na geografskem področju Slovenije
   * [[|Toplap slovenija]] - živo kodiranje na geografskem področju Slovenije   * [[|Toplap slovenija]] - živo kodiranje na geografskem področju Slovenije
 +  * [[]] - Zgodovina fotografije (ALUO)
-===== English? ======+Nekateri podvigi niso več aktivni in jih najdeš v [[arhiv|arhivu]]. 
 +====== English? ======
 Librehosters are a network of cooperation and solidarity that uses free software to encourage decentralization through federation and distributed platforms. The team behind [[|radio show Techno enema]] has started such a collective in Ljubljana and joined the librehosters network. Librehosting is addresses some problems of modern data driven economy in particularly highly monopolized and centralized market of web services in which users are highly dependent on service provider. Librehosting is trying to level this unequal relationship. Librehosters are a network of cooperation and solidarity that uses free software to encourage decentralization through federation and distributed platforms. The team behind [[|radio show Techno enema]] has started such a collective in Ljubljana and joined the librehosters network. Librehosting is addresses some problems of modern data driven economy in particularly highly monopolized and centralized market of web services in which users are highly dependent on service provider. Librehosting is trying to level this unequal relationship.
  • start.1728067233.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/10/04 20:40
  • by lio