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kompot linux install party

PLAC, 29. 1. 2023

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Linux distribucije


  1. rad bi dal debian ali arch na thinkpada
    1. i3, keepassxc, spacemacs, element
  2. imel bi kriptiran home folder


izziv: namestitev Linux Mint 21.1 (HP-ZBook-15-G3)

sitacija: konec podpore za Linux Mint 19.x (April 2023)

stanje: dual boot Linux Mint 19.3 in Win 10

Dilema 1 - nadgradnja ali nova namestitev? ! If you are using Linux Mint 19, I advise you to go for a fresh installation rather than upgrading to several Mint versions.

koraki za novo namestitev: 1) ureditev obstoječih datotek LM 19.3 v mape in izvoz na zunanji disk 2) izvoz zaznamkov Firefox in e-pošte Thunderbird 3) izvoz digitalnih certifikatov 5) priprava boot USB za Linux Mint 21.1 6) nova namestitev formatira ločeno particijo Linux Mint, izbriše starejšo verzijo in namesti LM 21.1

Dilema 2 - Linux Mint Ubuntu ( ali Linux Mint Debian Edition - LMDE 5 (

Oba imata podobne funkcionalnosti. Glede na razprave v Linux Mint skupnosti, je LMDE stabilnejša in zanesljivejša distribucija.

“Debian has a longer track record than Ubuntu, so it’s not going away. LMDE5 should be a perfectly fine daily driver: it has a solid Debian Bullseye package base, which is supported until 2026 in theory. …but Ubuntu is doing silly things these days with packaging, so LMDE5 seems like a good way to go”

“LMDE won’t get canned if Ubuntu disappears, it will instead replace the Ubuntu version of Mint. That is partly why the project exists as an aside to the main Mint apart from seeing what will and won’t run on a Debian base from the Mint Team developed packages.”

“LMDE was created for the very purpose of keeping the LM project alive, if Ubuntu should ever go defunct for any reason. I personally found LMDE more stable, as it is only one step removed from its parent. Debian isn´t going to go away, so LMDE should stay with us.”


full upgrade of ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04

Odstranitev snap za boljši ubuntu[]=ubuntu

okular omogoca digitalno podpisovanje dokumentov

So in Thunderbird or Firefox (whichever you prefer), open the Settings → Privacy & Security and go to the Certificate section, then View Certificates and import your PKCS12 file there.

Potem Okular avtomatsko izbere digitalno potrdilo za podpisovanje (Orodja → Digitalno podpiši)