Table of Contents

BASK / BAB 2023

The Balkan anarchist bookfair (Balkanski anarhistični sejem knjig) takes place 7. - 9. july in Tabor, Ljubljana.

Email encryption

One way to make safe communication is by email encryption.

Thunderbird / Icedove

Under account settings → end-to-end encryption, you can manage your public private keypair for communication.

There is an option to generate a new key.

@TODO more documentation

Guerilla infrastructure

We are installing mobile infrastructure on a Raspberry PI model 3.

Yunohost is a nice package sitting on top of debian linux which simplifies system administration a lot. It installs a working web server, LDAP directory with a nice web UI for user / application administration.


First we flash the install image on microsd card.

sudo dd if=2022-12-06-yunohost-lite.img of=/dev/sdc bs=1M && sudo sync

Careful that you get the of= part right; if you miss a letter you could break your operating system's partition and lose data.

Then we put the card in the raspberry.

Find the raspberry's IP address. We connected it via a switch to a computer that runs a DHCP server (on

A nmap scan revealed the raspberry's IP address,

g1smo@dbn ~ » sudo nmap -sP      
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( ) at 2023-07-07 18:54 CEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00047s latency).
MAC Address: B8:27:EB:F5:31:56 (Raspberry Pi Foundation)
Nmap scan report for dbn (
Host is up.
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 4.27 seconds

So we put the IP address in a web browser to finish setting up yunohost with the configuration wizard.

set main domain

We registered a domain name for this occasion.

Next we set an admin password (letmein).

When the installation finishes, we go back to the IP address, since it's not really on the internet yet.

We use the nice web UI to create a users, bask, and set a password for it, properteaistheft.

Next, we click on “Manage groups and permissins” on the user management page and add the “SSH” permission to the bask user. This way we can use SSH to log into the raspberry: ssh bask@

We su to root and add our bask user to the sudo group, giving it administration privileges: gpasswd -a bask sudo.

Then we close the terminal and login via ssh again.

Unblock wifi

We unblock the wifi, running sudo raspi-config.

First we set the geographical zone for wireless compliance with regulation: 1. System options > S1 Wireless LAN > SI (Slovenia). Or we do not do that ;) (You can also choose a random country really)

Then we enter the SSID and password for a hotspot with internet access.

@TODO continue documenting